Click A Picture Of Your Credit And Your Iphone Will Save Its Information


iphone credit card img

iOS 8 has a long line up of fantastic new features added, this is one of the feature which is to be discussed. One of the new features that iOS 8 will bring to iPhones is to scan and save credit card information by simply clicking a photo. iPhone users will simply need to take a photo of their credit card to input credit card info while making a transaction in Safari browser.

Technology website 9Tto5Mac which is known for its accurate reporting on Apple leaks, has discovered this new feature, wherein users simply need to take a photo of their credit card with the iPhone’s camera to input the information while making a transaction in Safari browser. Once the picture is taken, Apple’s character recognition technology will fill credit card details in the text fields of the website. The option will pop-up each time a user makes a transaction on an e-commerce website via Safari

Users will also be able to take the credit card’s photo for information and save it for later use. They can simply go to the ‘Passwords & Autofill’ settings to save the data of a new credit card.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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