Android Phone? Windows Phone? No, it’s “Bharat Phone”


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In the era of Android, Windows and iOS based iPhone, there is something which has come to the rescue for a common man – The Bharat Phone priced at a mere INR 1,099.

State-run telecom service provider Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) on Friday unveiled a low-cost smart phone, with e-governance applications for common man. The handset by the name”Bharat phone”, which comes with a 3-inch display with dual SIM card slot is priced at INR1,099. Thus, it is intended for common Indians. The handset is likely to be made available from June 15.

BSNL chairman R.K. Upadhyay said, “The low-cost mobile device will alter the Indian feature phone industry as it has been designed especially for e-governance applications and optimised for internet access to empower common man.”

If you are curious to know more about the phone, it comes with a 3 inches display and supports dual SIM as well. Users can also download audio, video and Java games. There is a 1.3 megapixel pixel camera as well and is powered by a 1800 mAh LAN battery, which according to the company offers 8 hours of talk time and 15 days standby time. It has a 64 MB RAM and also an internal storage of 64 MB. Also the company has offered a 1200 minutes free talk-time is offered through BSNL network on the phone. BSNL claims that Pantel Bharat phone is the first phone in India to provide internet facility and is priced low. The phone allows even common people to understand e-governance.

Designed and developed by Pantel Technologies Ltd, a pioneer in the low-cost tablet PC market, the voicephone’s large screen and proprietary Java operating system are suited for other user applications such as mobile banking, tele-healthcare delivery and streaming data delivery.


– By Anand Thakkar


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