Illegal Bowling Actions Not Any More – Says ICC


Article 18

It seems that there are lot of illegal bowling actions that are been performed by the players during the match which has resulted in the ICC committee headed by Anil Kumble deciding to check illegal bowling actions with more scrutiny.The issue of illegal bowling actions recently came-up in picture when Sri-Lankan off-spinner Sachithra Senanayake was reported for using illegal actions during the series against England.

Thus ICC is now worried about the growing menace of such unsuitable bowling actions taking place in International cricket, the ICC’s cricket committee feels the current methods to detect illegal bowling actions are not adequate and umpires should be more cautious and confident then before in reporting violators.

“The committee discussed the issue of illegal bowling actions, and believed that there are a number of bowlers currently employing suspect actions in international cricket, and that the ICC’s reporting and testing procedures are not adequately scrutinizing these bowlers” – says ICC in a statement released

“ It recommended that changes be considered to encourage umpires and referees to identify suspect bowlers with greater confidence, to use the expertise of the bio mechanists working in this area to assume a greater role during assessment process, and allow for ongoing scrutiny of bowlers once they have been identified under ICC procedures”- ICC added.

Thus bowlers will now be made to attend ICC approved biomechanics laboratory test to assess the amount o elbow extension (flex). The ICC had even set a 15-degree limit on this extension in 2004.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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