Awesome facts about Rolls-Royce You Would Never have Known


Rolls-Royce is a well known brand in automobile world. It is the car of the riches. Rolls-Royce was first built in 1904. Here are few facts about the Rolls-Royce which will amaze you.

The name Rolls-Royce is always written with a hyphen in between the surnames of the founders Charles Rolls and Henry Royce.

The oldest Rolls-Royce is still running on road. It was manufactured in 1904 and had 10 horse powers.

No one knows exactly who made the Rolls-Royce RR badge.

Rolls-Royce manufactured engines for air, water and land transport.

Rolls-Royce engines are always hand built.

Rolls-Royce made rifles in the World War I.

More than 60% of Rolls-Royce cars ever built is still on road even today.

The Phantom can pick the car from 0 to 100 in 5.9 seconds.

A Rolls-Royce never stops working; it ‘fails to proceed’.

To make one body of Phantom VI, it takes more than 800 man-hours.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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