Samsung Smartphones And Tablets To Be Used By The US Government


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Samsung being the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer is doing great in the market; it has bagged another place in the unclassified defense networks of the US government. The government of US has approved five Samsung smartphones and tablets for use on unclassified defense networks; this is a huge step, good news for the South-Korean smartphone manufacturer.

This means US defense authorities can use Samsung’s top end mobile devices within federal facilities. According to the report Samsung has confirmed that the US Defense Information Systems Agency have approved the Galaxy S4, Galaxy S4 Active and Galaxy Note 3 along with tablets such as Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 and the 2014 edition of the Galaxy Note 10.1. All these devices run on Samsung’s Knox OS.

The DISA is a combat support agency that connects the military and government through IT and communication networks that authorize devices to be used within federal facilities. The devices that are approved for usage have to meet around 100 criteria that make the phone safe from hacking and other kinds of cyber attacks.

Samsung is hoping to expand it’s the range devices that are being used by the US government’s federal systems and corporate users.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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