8 Kickass Hilarious Mumbai Metro Launch Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp


Mumbai Metro was finally launched on Monday i.e. 9 June 2014. While Mumbai Metro reduces travel time for office-goers and 2.4 lakh people travelled on the first day, humorists took this opportunity to crack hilarious jokes on the Mumbai Metro launch.

Here we present 8 Kickass Hilarious Mumbai Metro Launch Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp:


DelhiMetro =
Romantic scenes..

MumbaiLocal =
“Ticha mayla dhakka kaun mara re!”
“Bhau mala jau dya na..”
“Line kayko toda, abhi aise hi khada reh!! ”
“Gate block kar Borivali aa gaya!! ”
:p :p

I am pretty sure some start-up will open its office inside the Mumbai Metro. Pay 40 bucks. Never get down. All day keep shuttling. AC. Seats

It’s the first day for Mumbai Metro. Local train must be feeling like Arvind Kejriwal.

Time taken from Versova to Ghatkopar in Metro: 20 min Time taken from your home to metro station in traffic: 1 hour

So, Mumbai operates at 3 levels – Elevated: Swanky flyovers, metro etc. Ground-level: Slums & general chaos. And of course, the underworld.

Friend: Mumbai Metro is starting today. Life might change for good or bad Alia: Arey, I have seen Life in a Metro, Average hi Movie thi..!!


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