The Best Of India’s Infrastructure – I Bet You Will Be Surprised To Know


 Infrastructure is a matter of pride for its country. Be it roadways, railways, airports, corporate buildings etc; everything has witnessed phenomenal changes in the past few years. Let’s have a look at some amazing infrastructure projects of our country:
1. Mumbai’s Eastern Freeway: Mumbai’s Eastern Freeway is the second largest flyover in India. This is a beautifully engineered marvel! It is a 17 km freeway which is divided in 3 parts, elevated flyover of 2.5 km, elevated road of 9.29 km and road-tunnel of 4.3 km. This was Mumbai’s most awaited projects as it decongested traffic of the city in eastern road.Mumbai's Eastern Freeway: India's second largest flyover dubbed an engineering marvel!
2. Double-Decker Trains: Oh yes! I am talking about double-decker trains not just buses! I am so sure not many are aware of this. These are India’s first superfast double-decker train introduced in April 2013 between Chennai and Bangalore. It has seats in two decks with food trays on the back of each seat, bottle holders, push back seats, charging sockets and windscreens.
3. Metrorail Projects: Mumbai just got its first Metrorail, thanks to Delhi’s Metrorail success. Bangalore’s has already started, while Jaipur’s and Gurgaon’s are expected to begin later this year. Hyderabad’s Metrorail is the world’s largest Metrorail PPP in terms of Design, Finance, Operate and Transfer.BCCL
4. Airports: India is going through modernization of airports and making it delightful for its passengers and for its staff! It is not just improving and upgrading the airports but also started using new technology for the airspace navigation. Hyderabad’s Airport is ranked No. 1 in India, whereas the Mumbai’s T2 or Terminal 2 is just getting there and might even be better than Delhi’s T3 which is going through an up-gradation work.BCCL

5. World’s Highest Rail Bridge: One of the toughest engineering challenges, Railways plans to complete the Chenab Bridge in Jammu and Kashmir by 2016, making it the world’s highest rail bridge. The arch-shaped bridge will be five times the height of Qutab Minar across Chenab River, which will connect Baramulla and Srinagar to Jammu covering the entire route in about seven hours. The bridge will be designed to withstand blast and seismic activities.



Share if you think I can add in a few more India’s Best Infrastructure to this list!

– Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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