Harry Potter is the title character of J.K. Rowling’s HarryPotter series which covers 7 years of Potter’s life. Harry Potter’s role is played by Daniel Radcliffe in her movie series. On the 11th birthday, Harry learns that he is a wizard.
Q: Where do you find Dumbledore’s Army?
A: Up his Sleevy
Q: What do you call a coughing Quidditch commentator?
A: A Weasley!
Q: What do you call a Hufflepuff with two brain cells?
A: Gifted
Q: Why did Crabbe and Goyle cross the road?
A: They were following Draco, of course!
Q: Did you hear about the witch who won the lottery?
A: Yeah, she went completely Knuts!
Q: Why did Barty Crouch Jr. quit drinking?
A: Because it was making him Moody
Q: What kind of cereal do they serve at Hogwarts?
A: Hufflepuffs
Q: What do Harry Potter and Charlie Brown have in common?
A: They’re both in love with the little girl with red hair.