Dazzel while it Drizzles..!!



What happens in Monsoon our Hair gets very limp and frizzy so we need to make sure that all this does not happen ! What is that we can do to prevent this ? It is not very difficult we just need to follow certain steps.!!


Step1 : Clean Your Hair

Try and make sure your hair is clean all the time which is very important in monsoon because it gets greasy and limpy because of all the oil so keep it clean .

Step2: Wash it atleast twice a week

Make sure you wash your hair twice or thrice a week .

Step3: Apply a Hot Oil Massage

Before you wash your hair make sure you have a hot oil massage . It will really bring out the texture of your hair when you wash.

Step4: Apply Volumizing Shampoo/Conditioner

Apply volumizing shampoo and conditioner so that by two-three days it will give you more volume so that when it comes back to original shape you have a good amount of volume.


Step5: Don’t tie wet hair

Do not tie your hair when it is wet because it is monsoon you tie your hair all the moisture gets trapped in and which will lead to fungal infection so do not tie.

Step6: Don’t comb when wet

Do not comb it when it is wet . Comb your hair only when it is semi-dry or dry otherwise the hair will break so don’t comb your hair when wet. To avoid breakage wait till it completely dries.

7..  8..

Step7: Keep simple hairstyle

As we know it is monsoon don’t indulge into very complicated hairstyle which will require hairspray and gel and all that will only make your hair drizzy and oily . So stay to something simple like a braid or may be a side pony or tie it up in a ballerina bun and if you have to go for a haircut keep it short its easy to maintain and its simple.

Step8: Drink Water

Drink lots and lots of water, eat healthy, exercise .Vitamin A is very important for your skin and hair .




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Ayesha Patel

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