Refreshing Drinks To Beat The HEAT!


  Lemonade is best Homemade and simple juice extracted from lemon and added salt/sugar as per taste with sufficient water. Best served cool


Orange juice which is extracted from the pulp of orange with sugar to add taste. Best served for breakfast. You can also add little amount of Peach pulp can also be an excellent remedy to tackle the scorching heat.

Buttermilk: chaas, as they call it in our country is an also worldwide coolant. It can be drank at any matter of time (during, before or after meals) and by any age person. Buttermilk is an mild alternative for lassi. The Punjabi specialty.



Jaljeera is the best option for the last thing you require in summer. (Stomach disorders). No matter what level of disorder you may be facing, mother’s first insistence is on jaljeera water which also proves to be effective.



Beer: With the football season at its inception and summer at its peak, all you need is a crate of beer tins and cool friends to hang out with. On an average 970 million gallons of beer is consumed during summer in European Union.


Margaritas: Have you never tried any yet! It’s time to hold a glass and gulp its sparkling content.

(Note that the last two are alcoholic drinks and age of minimum 21 years is required to drink beer and margaritas.)

-Vibhav Galadagekar

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