De-Coding Karan’s Much Sensationalized Coffee Hamper!


koffee wiith karan

Ever wondered why your favorite celebs go all gaga over the coffee hamper?it was assumed that the basket contained things you couldn’t just run out and buy from a store. It turns out that celebs, they’re really just like us after all. That is, they get excited by (free) sugary chocolate-laden treats too!here is list of the things inside it:-


– Moët & Chandon champagne*
– Forest Essentials Soundarya Radiance Cream with 24 karat gold*
– Satya Paul cuff links, pocket square and tie, which are “all pink”, Johar said, “because we’re supporting breast cancer (sic)”
– Versace eau de toilette
– JBL wireless speakers
– Le15 macaroons, which “work beautifully” said KJo “if you’re pregnant” and have a sugar craving
– Belgian waffles with organic honey from Under The Mango Tree
– Royce chocolates (potato wafers, coffee chocolates/champagne chocolates), which Johar said were “very expensive” but he doesn’t know why
– Red Koffee With Karan mug (which is really a large cup)
– Chocolate syringe, red velvet cookies, triple chocolate muffins, and hazelnut cake in a jar, all from Country of Origin the brand name of which, somewhat strangely, KJo failed to mention.


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Riya Lokhande


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