BOllywOod vs TOllywoOd – The Better Entertainer


Gussa382Bollywood and Tollywood cannot be compared as we all know Bollywood is famous in it’s own way and Tollywood for it’s Dhinchak number’s. Nowadays Bollywood is just copying the Tollywood movies and making their own one’s . Bollywood is full of comedy, action and romance. Whereas Tollywood selects a specific genre throughout the film. Tollywood is very entertaining compared to Bollywood.


Bollywood is an informal term that is used to represent the Hindi-language film industry in India. Tollywood refers to the film industries of South India.

Bollywood and Tollywood are popular in the eastern countries and has been gaining popularity in many western countries .


Bollywood actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Sharukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan are superstars of bollywood. Aishwariya, Kareena are the queens of Bollywood. Bollywood represents the Hindi cinema, which is a large part of the Indian cinema. Bollywood originated in the early 1900s. Mostly in Hindi, but does incorporate other languages. Raja Harishchandra in 1913 was the first silent movie in Bollywood. Alam Ara in 1931 the first talkie movie. Stories have deeper plots and can be regarding different topics. Bollywood Incorporates love or romance in almost all the movies. Length of the movie can be anywhere around 2 to 3 hours. Bollywood is empty without music and dance numbers in the films.



Rajnikanth, Nagarjuna, Chiranjeevi are the superstars of Tollywood. Tollywood represents the South Indian cinema. Tollywood was also originated in early 1900s. The language used in the movie is mostly Telugu, but does incorporate other languages too. Bhisma Pratighna was the first silent movie in 1912. In 1931 Bhakta Prahlada was the first  movie with dialogues. Story lines has deeper plots and can be regarding different topics. Action plays a very important role in Tollywood movies. It also incorporates love. Length of the movie can range from 2 to 3 or 3.5 hours. Most of the movies have dance numbers and music on which our feets don’t stop moving. Background score plays a vital role.


Tollywood is now ready to rock in Bollywood as actors and actress are making debut in Bollywood. Actors like Tamana, Hansika, Bhoomika, Dhanush are making debut in Bollywood movies. Whereas Shruti, Sonakshi, Sonu are making Debut in Tollywood. The Boss ‘RAJNIKANTH’ who started with his career from Bollywood but people from Tollywood praise him as God and still has a mark in Hindi film industry where Rajnikanth is known for his super action and acting in Tollywood . Amitabh Bachchan is known as the shehenshah of Bollywood for his elegant personality his style of talking and his acting.


Bollywood has huge number of audience compared to Tollywood. Investing in both types of film is profitable mostly due to their huge popularity.


But both the film industries are best in its way.Bollywood and Tollywood are equally entertaining . 🙂


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Ayesha Patel


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