A Smart Desk In The Era Of Smartphones


smart desk

Earlier we had reported about the Lamborghini desk, now there is again a desk but totally different form the Lambo desk – The Transforming desk which is considered to be a smart one. The $3,900 Stir Kinect desk has a motor to raise and lower itself, converting it into a standing desk or a traditional desk.

The features of the transformer smart desk are listed; they are a real eyebrow raiser!

It is the world’s smartest desk – and can even ‘breathe’ to help improve your posture.

The desk has a built-in touch screen to control and track movement, and can tell users exactly how many calories they burn by standing for part of their working day.

The desk can even be programmed to moveup and down slightly, at the exact speed of a restinghuman heartbeat.

The desk canlearn user’s preferences over time and suggest the best seating position.

It can even track how much you are moving, and work with a fit bit to add exercise at your desk toyour daily totals.

To move between sitting and standing positions, owner’s simply double-tap on the screen.

It also has compartments containing power points and USB ports for charging phones, to keep cables hidden.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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