Are You Kidding Me? 4G Speed Of 3.78Gbps



Yes, this eyebrow raising news is a reality. Nokia Solutions and Networks and SK Telecom have managed to achieve a 4G speed of 3.78 Gbps, which is about 400 times faster than what service providers in India offer. Both the companies managed to pull this feat by bringing together TDD and FDD LTE spectrum, aggregating 10 spectrum frequencies allotted to both LTE versions to include 200MHz bandwidth.
A simple explanation to this is that a person can download a 5GB HD (High Definition) video or movie within 11 seconds flat with a 4G connection at a pace of 3.78GBps.
The throughput speed of 3.78 Gbps was made possible by NSN’s very own Single RAN Advanced radio solution and Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station (BTS). The combination is dressed with software to aggregate carriers on TDD and FDD LTE spectrum and to implement LTE-Advanced Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). But it’s not all testing and talks only with regards to this technology.
With cloud computing increasing in importance and the amount of content folks share through social networks and similar services, it’s undoubtedly clear that more and more people will go beyond requiring just fast downloads.

– By Anand Thakkar

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