8 Killer Hilarious ‘Ronaldo’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. Ronaldo getting the criticism for Portugal. Assumed it was Rui Patricio letting in the goals cheaply and Pepe getting sent off, not Ronaldo.
  2. Irina today: ”Honeyyy, get up its 5.” Ronaldo: “What??? Muller scored AGAIN?? Irina: “No its 5 in the morning.”
  3. Even when Ronaldo isnt islam he always remind Ozil about Allah.
  4. What is funnier? Wayne Rooney corner or Ronaldo hitting the one man wall?
  5. Pepe’s unsavoury play reminded me of headbutt by zidane to matterzi in FIFA 2006 world cup..Ronaldo should mark his presence.
  6. You are not considered a great footballer if u never win the world cup. Messi and Ronaldo should take note of that
  7. Loyalty over Royalty. Itzzzzzzzzz Ronaldo 4lyf.
  8. A Moment of Silence for those Girls Jinka Ronaldo Baby kal score nahi ker ska! Yahahaha!

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