Indian Dessert -Gulab Jamun..Slurrppp


Gulab Jamun

Gulab Jamun it’s a very popular Indian dessert and how do we prepare it easily, the small fried dumplings are prepared using either khoya or milk powder and those are soaked in sugar syrup. It tastes really delicious and yummy.

Let us know how to prepare Gulab jamun’s :


Starting with sugar syrup, For making sugar syrup take a cup and half of sugar into a saucepan and to that add a cup of water and then stir and start the heat on high and bring it to a boil when the syrup will come to boil reduce the heat to medium and allow it to simmer in medium flame for next 8 to 10 mins.

Add a drop of rose essence which is optional. And add lemon juice stir that. Lemon juice prevents the sugar syrup from crystallizing and while the syrup is preparing begin with the dough for Gulab jamun. For making Gulab jamun we need to have cup of milk powder a instant non-fat milk powder take that into a deep bowl  in that add a tablespoon of Maida that is all purpose flour. In that add fine Sooji/Semolina a tablespoon and quarter teaspoon of baking soda then mix all the ingredients really good.

Now need to add clarified butter in the mixture which is Desi ghee. A teaspoon of lemon juice mix everything with your hand .Basically we want the mixture to get crumbled. Lemon juice helps the Gulab jamun mix with the baking soda make the Gulab jamun very spongy and soft . We need to use warm milk while preparing the Gulab jamun mixture keep mixing let the dough take rest for 5 mins cover it with a bowl and keep it for 5 mins. After 5 mins most of the milk will be absorbed by the sooji now make small bowls out of it.

Take some ghee and some of the mixture on your hand and roll it gently and after its ready . Be sure you frying it at medium heat drop the jamun’s gently in the saucepan of ghee cook till its brown and drop it up in the hot sugar syrup. Gulab jamun’s soak really fast in the syrup .Garnish the Gulab Jamun’s with kesar pista on top… and its ready too eat ..! 


Gulab Jamun is the traditional and a indian dessert which is prepared on festivals and also on any kind of occasions .You can also try variations with Gulab Jamun for eg. Gulab Jamun served with Ice-Cream or Rabbdi served with Gulab Jamun..Prepare it for yourself and enjoy the taste of the delicious dessert..!


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Ayesha Patel


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