The Dummies Guide To Using Facebook For Content Marketing!


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The first word that comes to my mind when someone says online marketing is ‘Facebook’. Now I am no marketing guru, I am the content creator chick; and this is exactly why I value online marketing all the more!

Didn’t get me? Well, while creating content for web media us writer’s put in a lot of efforts and eventually after all of that when we see the minuscule number of people who have read our work it is thoroughly disappointing. Especially for those like me who shift from the print media to digital.The initial deduction in number of readers was enormous and it was quite upsetting.

I didn’t blame the audience as a bad judge of quality content when they choose to ignore some fine articles and give me brilliant clicks on a few silly one’s. But it surely did get me thinking and here is what I figured out:

A newspaper has a fixed set of subscribers and your story if published has an ensured viewer base in those subscribers, but on the world wide web the amount of data updated is enormous in a single second. Millions of people across the globe are posting related stuff at the same time which is why getting readers is so tough!

The challenge is in  reaching out to the audiences and get them to read your stuff. Seems easy? Well it isn’t and professional bloggers will vouch for that! So what is the solution? you may as well ask. The solution to this problem lies in the optimum utilization of  social media platforms to reach out to your readers, because that is where talking to millions of people at the same time, across different time zones from the same place is possible.

Now when we talk about social media ‘Facebook’ undoubtedly is the most popular medium for mass appeal which is why I have selected it as the first platform I write about.

Here I present my 5 step, super easy guide on utilizing Facebook to ensure you reach your target audience faster and better!

1. Your Profile Matters:


Why would someone bother to read your stuff unless you have an attractive display picture, cover page and an interesting profile? You might just get a few fluke visitors if your link is attractive but in the long run for a reader to connect with you, your profile matters!

2. How You Share Your Content Makes Or Breaks Your Reach:

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Sharing a link and posting it as it is wont take you anywhere! If you are sharing it as a status update, ensure you have an attractive description followed by the link. Try and make your description talk to your readers induce emotions like a challenge, anger or joy to ensure more chances of your link being clicked.

3. Images Are A Boon:


Well instead of sharing the link as it is, if you add a good quality, huge image with your post it automatically helps you increase your post’s reach.



This one is so much better, isn’t it?

4. Tags And Hashtags Are As Essential As #Oxygen:


Nope, you surely cant survive without oxygen, and neither can your post attain any sort of popularity without the appropriate use of tags and hash tags. Just make sure you don’t use too many of them or else you wont receive the desired impact.

5. Create Community Based Content And Promote It Accordingly:


This was a point I came across recently while reading up on social media promotions and decided to give it a go, it actually works – is my verdict!

Let me explain, if you create content because you feel it’s good it wont go viral because you are not the target audience for your own work; when you create content ensure you create it and  promote it keeping a particular segment of people in mind. Promoting that content in the various related groups on Facebook, will help you develop an assured audience that has an interest in that subject, automatically increasing your readers!

This is a guide for beginners and so I have limited it to the 5 very basic essentials. Feel free to add more to this list, making content promotions easier for the entire bloggers across the globe!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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