Ride Out Tobacco Addiction in 4 Easy Steps



Way too addicted to tobacco and finding it difficult to kick it off? If you didn’t know,tobacco consumption is more addictive then smoking. Following a right game plan tailored to your needs can help you ride the habit out.Here are 4 steps which you can try for yourself and see :-

1) Behavioural Therapy:-

This is something which helps a great deal! Replacing your habits,learning new coping skills and breaking the old habits is a part of this therapy.Few alterations in your life – style will help you adapt to them and change your habit.

2) Medication:-

Following a proper prescribed medication helps you ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.

3) Nicotine replacement theory:-

There are certain nasal sprays,inhalers and different types of stop smoking medications available.Also chewing gums which you can yourself addicted to.

4) Yoga and relaxation:-

Quitting tobacco might be something really stressing to addicts. Take the edge off your stress by meditation,relaxation,massages, hypnosis and visualization. Whether you are a If not for yourself,do it for those who matter to you! Trust me, it will be a gift to them. This might be difficult but it is a change in you which your loved ones are really craving for.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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