Will AAP Survive?



Just few months back when the AAM AADMI Party was formed by Arvind Kejriwal and some others, it seemed that in India there will be a change, a new power is arising, there will be no more BJP vs Congress but it will be a three-way battle, it all started to look true as AAP were able to make a government in Delhi with help of a completely dismantled congress party but it didn’t survive long. How things change in a short while is sometimes really amazing to understand. How it was all positive for AAP a while ago and right now they are fighting for their survival. It all happened when Kejriwal left the Chief Minister position of Delhi and after that some of the comments from members of AAP and some big leaders leaving AAP, this particular party started collapsing, AAP used to attack everyone and blamed congress and bjp for corruption as if they are criminal organizations and it didn’t go well as expected.

Narendra Modi won the elections and became Prime Minister of India and everywhere it was all about the BJP government and Modi. People just forgot Kejriwal, at one side Modi was working in the PM office while kejriwal was enjoying his time in prison. It all seemed to start well for AAP but now it seems completely opposite and the best way to understand what is going to happen of this party who did massive claims but seemed helpless, it will depend upon next elections for Delhi’s CM position. So it is time to wait and watch whether the AAP so called as the common men’s party will survive or just go into the history books.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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