The Amazing IPhone 5s – and Why You Will Fall In Love With It Instantly!



The iphone its not just a phone it’s a legacy that Apple Inc. had made in less than a decade time. As soon as the iPhone was released in the market in 2007 it was an instant hit in the market as it gives user a new world in which they can enjoy & fulfill their dreams. iPhone is not a normal phone it has started the new trend in phone industry by launching the phone which can be easily accessible to the internet.

It was iPhone only which has brought internet to your pocket & made your normal phone into a smartphone. But the thing which made iPhone to an iPhone is the applications which iPhone provides to its user. For every work anyone could do the Apple store has an app which makes their work even very easy.

5S fancy colors-623-80

iPhone 5s is a seventh series of iPhone line.The trend that iPhone has started is taken up by the new iPhone5s. iPhone 5s is more powerful & highly advanced phone available in the market today. Therefore their slogan also is ”You’re more powerful than you think” this slogan highly justify this iPhone as it is one in its class.

The iPhone 5s runs on a iOS 7.0 version (current version iOS 7.1.1) but  this is not the thing which makes this phone highly efficient & powerful. The thing which makes is powerful is the 64 Bit 1.3 Ghz Dual-core processor. It’s the first phone in which a 64 Bit processor is installed which makes the phone highly advanced & does the multitasks with ease.

This is not all it comes with a multi touch  touch-screen display Triple microphone configuration Apple M7 motion co-processor Touch id fingerprint reader promity sensor digital compass & many more are the features which iPhone 5s gives to it user.


For the people who don’t have iPhone 5s, the line which can best describe them is  “ If you don’t have an iPhone, You don’t have an iPhone.”


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Ayesha Patel


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