Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Google “Doodle”


Double clicking a browser in your PC takes you to the homepage which is Google in almost every PC, finding something unique and there is a smile wondering what it is? Taking the cursor on the logo pop ups a notification about the event. Google does frequently with its logo; that is called Google Doodle. Doodles are spontaneous changes made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.

google doodle stick

The idea originated in 1998, even before the company was incorporated. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin played with the corporate logo to indicate their attendance at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. They placed a stick figure drawing behind the 2nd “O” in the word Google, and the revised logo was relatively simple, the idea of decorating the company logo to celebrate notable events was born.


There is a team of illustrators called “Doodlers” and engineers that are behind each Doodle we see. The team has created over 2000 doodlers for homepages around the world. A group of Googlers get together regularly to brainstorm and decide which events will be celebrated with a Doodle.


The team creates doodles to enliven the Google homepage and bring smiles to the faces of Google users around the world. The recent doodles seen are of the FIFA World Cup matches and events.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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