Writing A Letter To Google Gives A Father A Week Long Holiday!


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What if you come across a letter which is written by a daughter to Google saying that her father must get a holiday because it’s his birthday? Here it is. Browsing across the internet, I found this cute little thing which made me write this and share it with everyone I know.

A little girl named Katie wrote a letter to Google to get her father who is a designer at Google, an extra day off. She stated that he only gets a Saturday off every week; she explained that it was her father’s birthday and also summer time.

Here is what the letter says:

Dear Google Workers,

Can you please make sure when daddy gets to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get a day off on Wednesday. Because daddy ONLY gets a day off on Saturday.

From Katie.

PS. It is daddy’s BIRTHDAY!

PPS. It is summer, you know

Now, this is a heart melting story, Isn’t It?

Wait, it’s not over. This is what happened next!

This is one of the best instances where Google makes itself a favorite for all the netizens all around the world!


–         By Anand Thakkar

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