Instagram Would Win Over Facebook?



Spending hours on Facebook isn’t that cool these days, instead checking out selfies on Instagram is the activity for social networking. Instagram has quickly taken over Facebook’s role. People prefer to use Instagram over Facebook, checking out self captured photographs. It is clear that Facebook is losing to Instagram as the most popular social media platform on the market today.

Instagram draws attention of its users because of its simplicity and immediacy, it has great filter settings. Every person on Instagram is a model. The greatest feature is the one tap posting ability to all the other social networking sites a person has a n account. After posting a photo on Instagram, it can be immidiately linked to his or her Facebook or Twitter account if desired.

The main reason why Instagram comes on top is due to its old phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Everyone wants to show rather than describe. Taking a picture, throw a filter if required and upload, it’s over. Followers can comment if they want to on the uploaded picture.

One more reason is the lack of advertisements. Ads coming on all sides of the panel annoy a person, whether using a tablet or a phablet or a smartphone. Facebook has lots of ads in plain sight. Instagram has no ads, only photos of users of Instagram. In April 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for a whopping $1 billion. Inspite of Instagram being cooler, Facebook is reaping all the benefits.


–         By Anand Thakkar




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