A New Revolutionary Type – Charger Card


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Credit cards, Debit cards, Smart cards are some types of cards which people know, use them very often for day to day activities. Ever thought that a card would charge your Smartphone or tablet? A company has created a card like charger which charges devices within seconds.

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Linear Flux, a tech startup, has created the world’s thinnest and the only HyperCharger called LithiumCard. This is the future of charging. It is as thick as 5 credit cards kept one on the other; it fits in most of the wallets. The LithiumCard can charge all popular smartphones and also has the exclusive Apple Lightning connector for iPhone.

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A unique bypass charging system allows simultaneously charging the LithiumCard and a smartphone in case both the Card and the phone are out of charge. The LithiumCard generates power of a wall charger. The Card can be charged with any USB equipped charger, laptop or a cigarette lighter adapter.

Pressing the power button would show a light, indicates the power level through three different lights. White light indicates over 90% charged, blue shows 10-905 charged and the red indicates less than 10% charged.

The LithiumCard is a revolutionary product, would enable people to stay connected and long use of high-end applications like games.


–         By Anand Thakkar



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