Sonam Keeping Tab’s On Kangana?



Kangana Ranaut has always been known for living on her own terms and conditions. The actress is not afraid to experiment with looks and carries off her ensembles with aplomb. She has received a lot of acclaim with her recent releases and is currently regarded not only as one of the most talented actresses around, but also for her sense of style.


Sonam Kapoor on the other hand, is known more for her fashion sense than for her acting abilities. While her style sensibility has been praised always, her acting talent is often questioned. Kangana’s current run in Bollywood, specially as a fashionista hasn’t gone down well with Sonam. This has resulted in a fashion showdown between the two teams – Sonam’s sister Rhea Kapoor who often doubles up as a stylist and Kangana’s team; each trying to beat the other at grabbing the latest designer collection.

It’s rumored that Rhea is keeping a close tab on Kangana’s appearances and her clothing. Kangana on her part isn’t exactly happy with this. It was on Karan ‘ s couch that Ms. Kapoor who seems to have an opinion about everything added some butchery by saying that Kangana needs English lessons.


The two are constantly being compared which sure makes Sonam squirm! But Kangana has surely been surprising us with her experimental fashion sense. She brazenly prefers to be herself and we have to admit that it truly takes guts to try out so many distinct styles without fearing about the barbs and tarts that come in the way. Wonder what Sonam had to say on this!

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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