Humshakals- Gives You A Headache Thrice Over!


Sajid Khan really is successful this time in compelling his audience to take pain killers after watching his recent release Humshakals. I ask, what was he promoting actually, his movie or painkiller for headaches? I understand people now a days want to go for funny movies to get a break from their schedule, even I would want that. But don’t you think what he did was unfair?

He showed trailers as if it was comedy movie, but he made the audience cry at the end of his movie. Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s not an emotional movie, it’s just that people regretted paying for the tickets. You know the best part? Many told me they wouldn’t watch it for free too.. now that’s funny!

Comedy doesn’t mean it should lack logic! This movie completely lost the touch of logic and proved common sense isn’t that common. Who makes a movie with triplets of 3 people? Isn’t it a miracle when the name of your twin who is not related to you anyway has the same name as yours? Sajid really got done with his comedy movies this time! You couldn’t torture a person more than this movie, believe me! I heard people ran away in the first 15 minutes of the movie. Maybe they went to bring their enemies along for the movie or maybe worse.

I couldn’t give a review for this movie, sorry. Critics would be too sweet to be giving more than a 0 star for it. I suggest, do go for this movie if you want a reason to suicide. All the Best!

– Saloni Tolia.

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