Why Can’t Women Be Made Independent?

Last night I was surfing though the TV channels and all of them boasted of these saree-clad, family oriented, husband-devotee heroines who dressed-up in the expensive designer sarees, wore heavy jewelery and loads of make-up. They would play the perfect housewives planning and plotting to evade any danger against their husbands and families. Whereas the husband is clad in a blazer always and drowning in files.
The portrayal of women is more of dependent and homely which is far away from the reality today. We might not be like that in any sense.
But as women, we are expected to be that way. We are compelled to think about others first. Sacrifice is a synonym.
But in my opinion, the entire family is dependent on the woman. And not just the other way round. Women are expected to cater to the needs of everybody around. A kind of an invisible shackle. No matter how high a woman rises, she is bound to have an entourage of responsibilities.
Today’s woman is modern and sheen yet traditional  in so many ways. She’s smart, she’s sexy and she is like you and me. A woman is born with many talents and one of them is caring. They care for people, they care about situations and consequences. And that is why they have the ability to change the world. But it’s time we let her walk free, live her life.
There is so much she can do, I know she is the apple of everyone’s eye, Daddy’s little girl, Mum’s favourite….but it’s time we give her a chance!


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