Ramadan 2014: Prayers, Fasting and Reflection as Festival Begins Around the World


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Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting and one of the five pillars of Islam, began in India on Monday, June 30, 2014.

Ramadan or Ramzaan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. This month is sacred month for Muslims and in the month of Ramadan, Muslims seeks blessing of Allah for oneself and others.

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In this Holy month of Ramadan, Muslims will refrain from food for 15 hours and four minutes every day during the early stages of the fasting month of Ramadan this year before the fasting period begins to decline.

They wake up before the dawn prayer, to eat the meal that will have to hold them over for the whole day. During the daylight hours, they abstain from all food and drink and break the fast after only the sunset.




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