Hair Accessory Trends For Spring – Summer’14


hair accessories

Sometimes looking beautiful has little to do with the amount of effort, or hours spent trying to build the extraordinary. Every now and then a modern twist, or a delicate adornment can easily succeed where a complex process fails entirely. As the hair trends for 2014 insist on pointing out, the upcoming season is all about achieving a sense of effortlessness, whether through the style itself or an unexpected use of hair accessories.

From gold barrettes and leather headbands, to flower blossoms and flakes of gold, the spring of 2014 mixes modern toughness with the best of femininity. Either you opt for sleek hairstyles and equally polished hair accessories, or you choose to take the subtle route and play upon delicate embellishments, one thing is certain: hair accessories are a key statement to be made all throughout spring and summer 2014.

Evoking the elegance of past eras while keeping close to today’s idea of luxury, the hair accessories for  2014 are brimming with personality. Paired to perfectly polished, or absolutely effortless hairstyles, they are set to make the strongest impact if allowed to shine all on their own.Here are the ones you should try:-

Flower hair accessories:

With every season that goes by, the use of flowers as source of inspiration grows to larger and larger extents. From beautiful floral prints and exquisite appliques covering your garments, to a handful of flower accessories adorning your hair, the transition appears not only easy, but also natural.

Hippie flower headbands:

Accompanying flowy materials and sticking close to the nonchalance evoked by the bohemianaesthetic, the hippie flower headbands are still going strong.

Flower pins:

With romantic ballerinas, rose gardens and Marie Antoinette serving as inspiration, it’s no wonder the hair at Zac Posen appeared to be borrowed straight out from a fairytale. Delicate flower blossoms contrasted the messy pin curl up-dos, recreating the perfect spring enchantment.

Leather hair accessories:

Super-chic, edgy and adding a beautiful contrast to the place where femininity meets effortlessness , the use of leather in hair accessories on the runway, evoked both the old-world elegance, and the modern-day toughness.

Leather embellished headbands:

The regal low ponytails may have channeled a distant past but they were made ultra-modern by a string of leather-embellished headbands. Evoking a sense of simplicity while retaining Valentino’s quest for timeless elegance, these accessories embody the idea of modern femininity.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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