Around 46 per cent candidates of IIM Lucknow’s batch comprises of female candidates


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This year around 46% candidates of the IIM Lucknow PGP 2014-16 batch are women i.e.  a 8% rise compared to the intake last year. PGP Agri Business Management batch has 52.27% female candidates and majority of the students are from engineering background.

The 2 year full time residential PGP-ABM programme is designed to develop students into professional managers and entrepreneurs promoting food and agri business enterprise. IIM Lucknow has managed to get a batch of good mix of gender diversity and academic diversity for this year.

Out of 409 candidates, 187 are female i.e. PGP-ABM consists of 23 female candidates out of 44. About 30% of the PGP batch comprises freshers with no experience while 42% has 1-2 years of work experience.


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