Seductive Summer: Flirting with colors


summer colours

A summer full of wickedly passionate season with some siestas,  loads of activity and intense tropical florals and colors so juicy that you will sink your teeth into them-because the season of seduction is here!

There are certain colors and combinations which will make you look tantalizing if paired  well. Here take a look:-

1) Inky black with a sea of zesty tangerine and lemon.

2) Rose pink which truly blossoms under the effect of the perfect shade of sunshine yellow.

3) Lush and dense verdant green against earthy brown.

4) A strategic exposure of firecracker coral which flirts with buttercup yellow.

5) A sensual  sheer black skirt with golden.

You can also try:

A provocative black lace and a painterly overcoat which truly has the power of seduction.

Delicate lace florals taken on a cool street edge with a glitzy zip-up.

Give in to some girly impulse and throw lace into the flowery effect for a  full-blown mix for the sultry summer.

Embrace  summer fearlessly with flirtatious prints and colors !

Cotton and pastels are obviously cool but we can surely try something off the track.

You can also add some eye-catching accessories and some classy belts to add to the attire and sophisticated hairdos for a complete look.

Do not shirk from experimenting and breaking off stereotypes.

You can try some cool braids to your hair and the perfect pair of mirrored aviators to flatter your features. You can also try the cat-eyes which are the hit for the season.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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