New VAIO’s But Not From Sony Corp.


vaio pro and vaio fit

Sony recently exited its personal computing business by selling it to Japan industrial partners. Sony Corporation ditched the struggling PC business in February and focus on gaming, mobiles and tablets. The new owners have floated the company name as VAIO itself, it returned to the market as an independent business entity. The company unveiled its first two devices viz. VAIO Fit and VAIO Pro which are similar to the erstwhile Sony VAIO products. Both the devices have gone on sale in Japan.

The company now sees itself as a “small” PC maker, compared to when it was a part of Sony’s realm and now that it is independent, things are going to change. The firm has no more than 240 employees. They vow to retain the VAIO DNA that made PC’s from Sony popular in the past. VAIO as a brand name is still held in high regard by the customers, especially in Japan and the company hopes to recreate the magic that was created by Sony.

The new range VAIO is without any Sony branding but it is still being offered for sale via Sony’s online store in Japan. VAIO Corp. has made a sales agency agreement with Sony Marketing and Sony has taken a 5 percent investment in the newly founded computer company. Sony VAIO has always had a place in the market; people are looking forward to see some new stylish and original PC’s form the new VAIO.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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