Bring Down Addiction Level To Your Iphone


moment app screenshot

“Moment” is an application which may help you to bring down addiction so that you may use your iPhone less. The app claims that it can help reduce your usage by keeping track of how much time you spend on the awesome piece of tech. The app lets you limit your iPhone uses and will allow you to spend more time doing some other stuff than hanging around with your smartphone. The app was built by felloe iPhone addict Kevin Holesh.

Moment continuously runs in the background of the iPhone and keeps tracking your daily usage and lets you know the amount of time you have spent on your iPhone. It also allows you to set a usage limit and notifies you when you reach the limit. Users can also set their phone to instantly switch off if they cross their limit set in the app, compelling them to stay away from the device and enjoy their life.

As you learn how much time you spend on your phone you can set a daily limit. The app will ‘nudge’ you when you start getting close to going over that limit.

Such an application should be developed for the users who use Android OS phones here in India. The level of addiction is way too high than that of iPhone users, LOL!


–         By Anand Thakkar


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