Xiaomi To Partner Flipkart For India Debut


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Xiaomi which is touted as ‘Apple’ of China is aggressively taking it steps towards capturing a market share here in India. The company launched iuts website earlier this month which announced its entrance in the fiercely competitive Indian Smartphone market. Following the footsteps of Motorola, Xiaomi is also teaming up with Flipkart to launch its handsets in India.

Xiaomi is expected to bring two smartphones in the next 2-3 months. Agreement between Xiaomi and Flipkart is in the final stages and the launch on the online market place will happen next month. Many handsets like Motorola and Alcatel are partnering with e-commerce firms to launch devices exclusively.

Motorola launched its Moto G, Moto X and Moto E with Flipkart, Celkon launched its Android KitKat powered Campus A35K with Snapdeal exclusively.

Xiaomi was founded in 2010 by entrepreneur Lei Jun, is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is one of the biggest Chinese electronics firms that designs, develops and sells smartphones, mobiles apps and other such items for consumers.

Earlier this month, the company also appointed Jabong co-founder to head its operations in India. Indian Smartphone market is witnessing strong competition between local and international players, all vying to grab a share of the multi-billion dollar market.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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