Business Lessons From Indra Dev


Indra-on-Airavat. (1)

According to the Indian Mythology Indra dev is known to be the King of heaven. Indradev rides on the white- coloured elephant, and hurls thunderbolt that causes dark rain- bearing clouds to release rain. Indradev rules the sky and brings rain. Indian farmers worship and follow rituals in order to get rains for their crops.

Whenever any individual does chanting or tapa to a great extend. Indradeva’s  finds its Kingship is danger, being possessive in nature he tries to stop the individual from completing its tapa , hence keeping its kingship safe. Indradev sends menaka (apasara) of heaven misleading the person from  performing the tapa, Indradev at times also throws various challenges in order to stop tapa of the individual.

In the same way, if a business man wants to be a business king. He/she should always try to stop its competitors/ rivals entering its business. It depends on businessman which way he wants to use by throwing challenges or sending mehnaka (offerings). Mark the founder of the Facebook one of the most leading social networking site, took over its one of the best competitor what’s app a couple of months ago.

This is a excellent example of takeover of our competitors to maintain our kingship in business. Hence it can be believed that Indra Dev teaches Business.

– Bhargesh Jani

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