Am I Nobody?


Am I nobody
Am I nobody? This question is usually asked by the person with low self- esteem and  lack of self-confidence. People with the feelings of worthlessness are always covered by other people. Such people are treated and named as “Doormats” in society.

It takes no time in turning them as punching bags of the society. This people develop negativity around them. Such people also turn negative in nature. This kind of people allows others to run over them and abused by others because they honestly feel they don’t deserve better treatment. They are usually followers and not the leaders.

In society, work place, homes they never take a stand they generally follow what others say and belief. Cattle mentality is noticed in such people. Are you Mr. or Ms. Nobody? Than it time for you to wake up. Remember world always remembers the leaders and not the followers. Create your own self – respect, learn to take a stand at least share your points, thoughts, suggestion and advise at various places.

You should stop negative self-talk. If you are on earth than you have something different, no one is born without any worth on earth. You have the potential in you to be the winner.  It you who will make yourself from nobody to somebody followed by everybody. Stop following and start leading, try to recollect the positive points in you, develop new talents and skills. You should stop thinking that you are worthless, you are a winner. It’s not your fault if you’re born as nobody, its fault when you die as nobody.

 – Bhargesh Jani

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