5 Things A Mumbaikar Can Totally Relate To…



1] The DDLJ moment everyday…

chennai xpress

If you are someone who uses the Mumbai local daily …You definitely re-enact this deli still everyday but the difference is there is no shark Khan but a bunch of anxious onlookers enjoying the dose of live entertainment while you run with what according to you is the speed of light…

2] The YA’s & the slangs

munna n circuit

“Amchi Mumbai “is incomplete with the YA’s as a suffix for every sentence…NO YA! What ya! that’s pathetic ya .. and slangs :-‘Wat lag gaye ‘(I messed up pretty bad);faadu(awesome);Sawaaal(Duh!!!) are a few commonly used ones

3] The amalgamation of Hindi

chatur speech

It is only here that unity despite the differences in dialect is seen with the national language u have the Gujarat’s talking in their style ,the south Indians talking in their style, the  parsis in their style ,the nepalis in their style and obviously the maharashtrians talking in their style…

A few only in Mumbai usage of Hindi include

On asking a Taxi wala for Direction :-Saamne jao right turn maro fir ek mandir girega uske baaju mein who road padega

An aunty from bandra in a vegetable market :-humko ek kilo potato aur carrot mangata hain

4]”town side “

mumbai antilla

According to the English dictionary “A town is a human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a city” but according to us it is South Mumbai…We prefer to neglect the fact that Pali hill and Antilla happens to be in the same place we refer to as town (pun intended!)



We may or may not be there to witness a moment when pigs fly but if we are mumbaikars we definitely have seen a celebrity usually in the most unusual places –be it at a traffic signal; at security queues in the airport; at a famous eatery or at a promotional during a college event.

-Khyati Kotiyan


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