ALL THAT JAZZ – Easy Tips To Help You Jazz Up Your Study



Ever wondered which is the most boring and dull place in your house that you happen to spend the most amount of time. THE STUDY!! Here are 5 DIY’s that you could use to jazz up your study

Wall Art

The blank wall that you are staring at while you are in the zone out mood could be interesting for all you have to do is add a bunch of keep calm printouts and inspirational quotes …

Bucket list

Don’t know what to do with an empty glass jar …let it be your bucket list holder throw in all the crazy to do ideas that you have for near future

Pen stand

Often referred to as being the dustbin of the stationeries in the study is actually something that could be your favorite organization idea if you take your creative skills one step further:-


Don’t know where to write all your to do’s ;inspirational thoughts and it is midyear to buy a new diary use gift wrapping paper and cover your old note book and label it with your famous quote and there it is your personalized journal

Memoir Collector

All of us happen to have some or the other collection as a hobby .But what if you are one of those who happens to collect entry tickets, Movie tickets, travel tickets, pamphlets, post it notes and can’t find safe place to keep them .Here is what you could do

So what are you waiting for revamp your study for it is all that JAZZ that matters…..

 – Khyati Kotiyan

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