Home First-Aid Kits: Stock Supplies That Can Save Everyone’s Lives


first aid kits

First aid kit is not a want but a necessity of every household. A well-stocked first aid kit for the home has supplies that will prepare you for most unexpected situations you may encounter because future is unpredictable. Small accidents at home is one of things you should be prepared for if the need arrives and you should have all your supplies when it is needed.

first aid

Basic items that should be included in a First aid kit for the home include:

  • Non-latex gloves (at least two to three pairs)
  • Antiseptic cleansing towels
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Sterile dressings (4×4 gauze pads, roll gauze and absorbent 5×9 compress dressings)
  • Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes
  • Elastic bandage
  • Medical tape
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Triangular bandage with safety pins
  • Eye wash solution
  • Eye shield
  • Oral thermometer (non-glass)
  • Alcohol swabs to clean thermometer, tweezers, scissors
  • Non-prescription medications that the family may use, such as non aspirin pain reliever and anti-diarrhea medication
  • Instant cold compress
  • First aid instruction chart or book

Remember to check your first aid kit regularly so that you can re-stock items that have been used and to remove and replace items that are expired.



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