Should The Youth Of Today Live In India or Leave India?


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The biggest confusion in today’s Indian youth is should we live in India or Leave India? India is great or proud to be an Indian we usually say these sentences when Indian cricket team wins a world cup, but somewhere inside are we really proud of India? In world India ranks 2nd in population.

India is one of the most corrupted democratic counties in the world. India is economically weak, Indian currency is losing it value day by day. India is place where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance; terror attacks have turned a part of daily routine. India is place were criminals are part of government.

A youngster finds his future in darkness if he/she resides in India. Instead of that the best way is to take a higher qualification or degrees get a job in MNC and shift you to any other country. Here we would say is this right?

Is India really great? If yes than why are we youngsters thinking to leave it? I would not say as all oldies say about culture. Yes Indian culture is the best culture in the world; it’s not just one positive point. India is one of the most diversified countries in the world. India is country where you will get too enjoy and experience four seasons.

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If you want to play in snow visit Himalayas, what to be in desert visit Rajasthan, what to be with nature? Visit north east. India is place where you were born, it’s our motherland. Here I would like to ask you if you  find your room dirty, stinky, messy ? What you do? Clean it? Right? Most of us will definitely clean it.

In same way if you find your country dirty corrupted, undeveloped, unsafe etc. It’s time that we should get up and clean it up. We are not just emotionally depend on India but also economically, from the date your born till the date you leave the country we enjoy a lot of rights and subsides.

So when it’s our turn to return the money invested on us by Indian Government we fly away to some other country. It’s time to wake up and understand that we should live in India and not leave it India.

– Bhargesh Jani

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