Iron Man suit or the US military!



US president Obama met with top engineers and pentagon people. He publicly said: “Basically, I’m here to announce that we’re building Iron Man […] Not really. Maybe. It’s classified.” People laughed, but the truth is that yes, the US military is building Iron Man, and the first prototypes are coming in this June.

This is not a joke. The fact is that it’s real. They are working with 56 corporations, 16 government agencies, 13 universities and 10 national laboratories to make Iron Man a reality. The project is officially called, “Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit” (TALCOS). Hollywood special effect team is working on a new Iron man ‘agile exoskeleton’ for US soldiers.

The Oscar-nominated special effects team behind the Iron Man suit has been contracted to design body armour for the US military. Legacy Effects, a Hollywood design studio based in California, has previously worked on power suits for films such as RoboCop, Captain America, The Terminator and Iron man. Now, the company is building body armour equipped with an “agile exoskeleton” that will allow soldiers to carry hundreds of pounds of equipment, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The US military has so far spent about $10 million on Talos with no cap to its budget; prompting the armed services committee to request a briefing on the project to ensure taxpayer money is not wasted. The military has previously said that it would deploy the suit as soon as 2018.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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