10 Essentially Rocking Quotes Of ‘Andrew Jackson’ To Have A Stress-free Life


Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, was the dominant actor in American politics between Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Born to obscure parents and orphaned in youth, he was the first “self-made man” and the first westerner to reach the White House. He became a democratic symbol and founder of the Democratic Party, the country’s most venerable political organization. During his two-term presidency, he expanded executive powers and transformed the President’s role from chief administrator to popular tribune.

 andrewjacksonquote Andrew-Jackson-Quotes-2 Andrew-Jackson-Quotes-3 Andrew-Jackson-Quotes-5 quote-there-is-no-pleasure-in-having-nothing-to-do-the-fun-is-having-lots-to-do-and-not-doing-it-andrew-jackson-92201





Quotes of Andrew Jackson:

1. There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.

Andrew Jackson

2. It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.

Andrew Jackson

3. Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.

Andrew Jackson

4. You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.

Andrew Jackson

5. It is a damn poor mind indeed which can’t think of at least two ways to spell any word.

Andrew Jackson

6. The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none.

Andrew Jackson

7. The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power

Andrew Jackson

8. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses.

Andrew Jackson

9. Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated

Andrew Jackson

10. All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary.

Andrew Jackson

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