The Invaluable Contribution Of Technology To Sports


hawk eye

In recent years, technology has played an important role in Sports. Whether it is a tough decision which a human eye could not make or is it about monitoring the fitness of a player or just a better telecast for tv spectators, technology has always come handy in different sports. Imagine there is no technology and players are playing as if it is 80s or earlier. This field is increasing day by day and it is an evolution in sports entertainment arena.

Nowadays, even the jerseys that player wear, check the heart rates and other things which are vital to monitor a player’s performance, health etc. There is software used to manage the data for fitness which is really important to avoid many on field disasters. When it comes to fitness of players, there are doctors available in every match, there are advancement in gears that sportsmen wear, there have been better medicines and far better hospital facilities.

goal-line technology

When it comes to rules of the game, Sports especially Cricket is using technology in decision making. Decision Referral System (DRS) is used to help make decisions more accurately, although the Indian Cricket Board is opposing use of technology, but yeah these are Indians… Goal-Line Technology is used in football, even in Tennis there is review system. Hawk Eye is key to all major sporting technologies.

Now let us go to another important advancement of technology for the fans. Nowadays fans can get latest updates of score, they can watch any match on the go and twitter has been a great aspect for fans. High Definition has changed the whole experience of viewing and made Sports a delight. Replays are way faster and proper, there are hundreds of cameras used which cover all activities on field. It has just changed the experience in a great positive way.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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