3 Amazing Paratha Recipes for the Foodie in You




  1. AlooParatha :


Ingredients :

3 medium potatoes or aloo, boiled and mashed

1 or 2 green chilies, chopped finely

½ tspkashmirichilli powder or deghimirch (optional)

¼ to ½ tsp of punjabigaram masala powder or garam masala powder

1 tspamchur/dry mango powder

Salt as required

Ghee as required

White butter or yogurt to serve with the parathas

A few coriander leaves chopped finely (optional)

Dough made from whole wheat flour

Directions :

Take a portion of the aloo mixture and spread it on one of the rolled dough. Apply some dry flour and roll into a disc of about 8 inches or about the size of a normal roti or chapati.Fry the aloo paratha with ghee as you would usually fry the parathas and serve the aloo paratha hot with white butter or curd or mango pickle.

  1. Gobi Paratha :-

gobi paratha

Ingredients :

For the wheat dough:

3 cups wheat flour/atta

1 cup water or more if required

Ghee or oil (optional)

For the stuffing:

½ a cauliflower head, grated finely (gobi)

1 green chili, chopped finely

Garam masala powder as required

Red chili powder as required

Salt to taste

For roasting the parathas:

Ghee/clarified butter as required

Directions :

Grate the cauliflower with a fine grater.Add chopped green chilies to it and keep aside.add a few tablespoons of the grated gobi and mix in the center on top of the rolled out disc.Roast the gobiparatha with ghee till browned and uniformly roasted on both sides.Servegobiparatha hot with yogurt, pickle or white butter.

 3. MethiParatha:-


Ingredients :

2 cups whole wheat flour/atta

1 cup tightly packed fenugreek leaves/methi (chopped)

1 green chili, finely chopped

3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 tsp oil

Water as required

Salt as required

Directions :

In a bowl or parat mix the flour and salt. add the chopped methi leaves, green chilies, garlic, oil and mix.On a tava or frying pan, cook the meth irotis or parathas with some oil or ghee till they are browned and cooked on both sides.These methi parathas have to cooked like the way we cook parathas on the pan. Serve methi paratha hot with some pickle or raita.

– Pratiksha Trivedi




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