9 Inspirational Quotes Of ‘Dustin Moskovitz’ That Changed My Life


Dustin Moskovitz is an American internet entrepreneur who co-founded the social networking website Facebook along with Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum and Chris Hughes. Dustin Moskovitz was a key leader within the technical staff, first in the position of CTO and then later as VP of Engineering. Dustin attended Harvard University as an Economics major for two years before moving to Palo Alto, California to work full-time at Facebook. In 2008, he left Facebook to co-found Asana with Justin Rosenstein.

Dustin Moskovitz

Quotes of Dustin Moskovitz :

1. There are a lot of people building small ideas now. There’s an idealization of being an entrepreneur, but the most important thing is to have a really great idea.

Dustin Moskovitz

2. It was a precondition to leaving Facebook that I wasn’t going to start something that was just about chasing money.

Dustin Moskovitz

3. Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004. On February 5, we were feeling pretty confident, even from observing the first few hours of usage. Students used it like crazy. They’d sign up then spend the next 3-4 hours on it. Then we’d go to lecture hall and see it on every computer screen there.

Dustin Moskovitz

4. “People have this vision of being the CEO of a company they started and being on top of the pyramid. Some people are motivated by that, but that’s not at all what it’s like.

5. You think it’s glamorous. The media does a great job idolizing various entrepreneurs, crowning Kings and designating Godfathers of various mafias, but this is all colorful narrative. The reality is years of hard work, throughout which you usually have no idea if you’re even moving in the right direction.

6. *The life of most CEOs is reporting to everyone else, at least that’s what it feels like to me and most CEOs I know. If you want to exercise power and authority over people, join the military or go into politics. Don’t be an entrepreneur.”*

7. What it’s really like: everyone else is your boss – all of your employees, customers, partners, users, media are your boss. I’ve never had more bosses and needed to account for more people today.*

8. You want to be your own boss in a big company.

9. The reason we like best for becoming an entrepreneur is that you are extremely passionate about an idea and believe that starting a new company is the best way to bring it into the world.


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