10 Awesome Cool #SaveJudiciary Tweets Trending On Twitter


The Law Ministry has given a proposal to appoint retired Supreme Court Judge K.S. Radhakrishnan as the first chairperson of NCLAT i.e. National Company Law Appellate Tribunal. The Law Ministry has also advised against appointing 2 judicial members to the yet-to-be constituted Tribunal, which is a statutory requirement under the new Companies Act.

Here we present 10 Awesome Cool #SaveJudiciary Tweets Trending On Twitter


  1. A Thug who mocked Judiciary by not filing a bail bond is trending on SC appointment ….haha How Funny naaa
  2. Different between U U Lalit & Gopal Subramanium? One is on the right side and other on wrong side of Amit Shah!
  3. What can Lawyers do….. if Judge was SunnyLeone in party wear.
  4. Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.”
  5. Considering the increasing Noise Pollution, Prime Minister मौनी जी will not speak on this issue. .
  6. Supreme Court will be using Ishant Sharma as their new brand ambassador – Kanoon ke haath long and strong like Ishant’s hair
  7. TRAI drafted by NDA.. Now its Independence being compromised.. Seems Freedom will be choked in India.. Bure Din ahead
  8. by appointing Prashant Bhushan (Terrorist sympathizer) as Supreme Court Judge- .
  9. Political work is important and court gives permission to not to attend court.. Tareekh-pe-Tareekh.. wow..
  10. Before save country frm idiotic Shankaracharya, Asaram & his bakhts,Brainless Maulavis ,Ram Sena & other retards like them.

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