9 Mindblowing #FinalsWithCoke Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


The final between the 2 nations Lionel Messi-led Argentina and robust Germany on Sunday is going to be a historical FIFA World Cup 2014 match at Maracana stadium in Rio De Janeiro.

Here we present 9 Mindblowing #FinalsWithCoke Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter:

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  1. Germany choose to play in their classic white, Argentina will wear blue for the first time this world cup
  2.  World cup brings super honours for the ones who win….who will be crowned Kings of the world…
  3. 4 weeks after the World Cup kicked off, four of thirty-two teams are left – Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, and Argentina.
  4. Miroslav Klose: “Unfortunately, I can still play. We’ll see how long I’ll drag my corpse with me”
  5. It would be a great challenge for  to win against  which is undoubtedly the strongest team of the tournament.
  6. Neymar prefers  to win this WorldCup, as he says, Messi has done incredible contribution in the football! 
  7. World cup brings super honours for the ones who win….who will be crowned Kings of the world…
  8. Media is creating unnecessary pressure on Messi comparing him with Maradona. Good for  
  9. World is hoping, Germany will make history as the first ever European side to win a World Cup on Latin American soil.

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