Very Basic Facts About Autism – An Early Syndrome



 Autism is a disorder which appears in early childhood. It causes delay in many basic areas of development such as learning to talk, play and interact with others.

This article is mainly to avert the adverse effects of autism due to delayed treatment and to wake up the parents to make their special child excel in all the fields. “The World Autism Awareness Day” was on April 2nd.


      It was found that, it is caused due to genetic factors as well as external environment and even due to prenatal factors. Some of the major prenatal factors were:

  • Intake of antidepressants during pregnancy.
  • Exposure to chemical pollutants during pregnancy.
  • The older the parent, the more is the chance of autism.

These have to be avoided to reduce the chance of autism.

Autism is hard to diagnose before 24 months (2 years), but closer examination paves the way. The absence of normal behaviors, loss of eye contact, and denial of response to familiar voice are some of the basic symptoms.

The earlier diagnosis of this defect leads to rotten-free root of the child. According to the research, vaccine children are not prone to higher threats.

So parents, it is on your hands to bring up your precious gem, overcoming the bridge of autism and make the child to glow in all the fields and have an autism free world.



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