Why Being An MBA Student Is Not An Easy Task!



Today everyone fresh out of their graduation wants to pursue MBA.

People who should not be doing are pursuing the course.


I want to earn my first month salary in a minimum of 5 digit’s.

We at bms.co.in bring you Why being an MBA student is not an easy task:

The MBA, in particular, is proving extremely attractive, even for people who have utterly no interest in business. There are many reasons that the MBA degree is growing in popularity, including the prestige of an MBA degree with lucrative packages to take home.

But the competition for academic success, the need to perform, the colossal degree of work and the time constraints of study, work and family are all the obvious stresses that come to mind.


 MBA students tend to be very driven people who are career oriented and are already fairly used to having a large amount of motivational stress in their lives.

The emotional and stress can make any student whatsoever he/she scores 90% or 60% in their academic can take a toll on health, wealth and life alike. applying to business school because of pressure from others can only make you sick.

We bring you list of things, which you can help you answer wether MBA is your mug of coffee:

  1. Given that the average cost of a two-year full-time MBA program can approach  Rs 600000, this degree is not one to be entered into lightly.
  2. The time you graduate out your marriageable age is running and diminishes at time you are about to ba an MBA graduate.  So take decision wisely.
  3.  Dozens of subjects per semester. Yes you read it right. That makes 20 plus subjects per year. If you are merry go round adolescent teen still, this is not for you.
  4. Presentations. Standing in front of 59 students and a teacher to give your power point presentation on a over head projector , still makes students to sweat their hands and feet.
  5. Internships. If you think internship is still a child labour for you. Then MBA is not for you. It is a compulsory a 45 day internship in your third semester 100 marks exam. And you have to make a report on it. This also marks your specialization subject.
  6. 8 hour lectures per day. Yes this is routine in MBA colleges. I have even attended lectures on Sundays. A 3 hour long lecture per day. Sometimes a particular subject runs from morning to evening.
  7. MBA students may also feel a certain amount of peer pressure as they see fellow students get sanction of greatest job around.


MBA can be very important, it is not right for everyone. Attending MBA school will probable have precious degree  on your life further than the two years you are there, including the jobs you can afford to take in order to pay back your loans. It’s something you should consider based on your own needs and priorities rather than accepted wisdom or advice from others.

– Amey Khedekar

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