Everything You Need To Know About Shahadat of Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha)



Ameer-ul-momineen Hazarat Ali (Raziallahu anhu) was the the husband of Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima (RaziAllahu Anha)i.e daughter of beloved prophet Muhammed Mustufa (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM).

As told by Muhammed Mustufa (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM), Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) had gone for a fight against the haters of Hazrat Ali (raziallahu anha). The haters believed hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) is not Muslim I.e (Kafir) and they were wrong so the war was fought between the haters I.e (kharji) and Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (raziallahu anha). This fight is also named as Jung-e-nehervaan. As told to Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) by beloved prophet Muhammed Mustafa (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM)not more than 10 soldiers were got shaheed from side of  Ameer-ul-momineen hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) and not less than 10 soldiers were left from haters(I.e kharji) side.


After this Jung-e-nehervaan everyone celebrated the victory by soldiers offering gifts to their Ameer-ul-momineen and at that time one among them Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim came with a very beautiful sword to offer it as gift to Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha) but it was rejected and Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali(Raziallahu anha) said that if u give this sword to me how will u kill me. Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) said to Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim that huzoor Muhammad Mustufa (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM) had told this and He can’t be wrong. After this Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim went to Kufa to inform about the victory and there he stood by a place where he saw a girl going to someone’s wedding. Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim called that girl and asked her name. Her name was Kitana. He said that I want to do nikah with you in reply she said that if you can fulfill two promises I can marry you. 1st the meher is 30 Darham and 2nd to kill Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha). At first he refused and came back and whole night he thought about it than next morning he agreed. She took sword of Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim that same sword that he offered to Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha) and she made the sword the poisonous one by heating and dipping it in poison and then gave to Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim.

Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha) came back to Kufa on 18th ramzan and next day 19th ramzan gone to masjid in morning and was imam for prayer (namaz-e-fajr) and in middle of namaz  Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim came with two of his friends and made a cut in the middle of forehead of Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali(Raziallahu Anha)with his poisonous sword as sword was poisonous the chances to save Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha) was very less.The soldiers than caught Abdul rehmaan ibn-e-muljim who was hiding at his uncles place and brought in front of Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha)and Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) told that if I survived I will kill him but if I didn’t able to survive than Imam Hussain will kill him with only one attack as he did to Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha).

And then after two days I.e on 21st Ramzan Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu Anha) left this world (innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun) and Imam Hussain fulfilled what Ameer-ul-momineen Hazrat Ali (Raziallahu anha) told him to do.






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